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By The Network of Thai People in Eight Mekong Provnices |
<div>Leaders of 6 Mekong Countries Must Listen to the People!</div> <div>Listen to Downstream Communities.&nbsp;</div> <div>Stop All Mekong Dams.&nbsp;</div> <div>Implement Transboundary Impacts Studies.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>23 March 2016</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Mekong River is the mother of lives and the giver of local economies in 8 provinces of Thailand, from the Golden Triangle in Chiang Saen, Chiang Rai Province to Chiang Khan, Loei Province and Khong Chiam, Ubonratchatani </div>
<p id="E67" qowt-divtype="para" qowt-eid="E67"><span id="E68" qowt-eid="E68">12 civil society organisations based in Thailand’s Northeast ha</span><span id="E69" qowt-eid="E69">ve</span><span id="E70" qowt-eid="E70"> condemned the junta’s suppr</span><span id="E71" qowt-eid="E71">ession of freedom of expression</span><span id="E72" qowt-eid="E72">, stating that national reform is only </span><span id="E74" qowt-eid="E74">a</span> <span id="E76" qowt-eid="E76">pretence</span> <span id="E79" qowt-eid="E79">to enable</span><span id="E80" qowt-eid="E80"> the junta </span></p>
By Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) |
<div>The Asian Human Rights is gravely concerned about the resurgence of military summons of activists and human rights defenders. According to information provided by Thai Lawyers for Human Rights, 16 activists and human rights defenders (HRDs) in northeastern Thailand have been summoned to report to the local military authorities. </div>
<div> <div> <div>At least eight activists based in the Northeast have reported to the military. </div></div></div>