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By Keiko Sei |
<div>It was the first time a Czech mole entertained the French Institute in Yangon. The mole, the iconic character of the Czech animation that are popular worldwide, played a role of decoy in the military-dominant Burma, which is now more widely called Myanmar, to trick the military intelligence. It was the year 2005, when the military regime was so powerful that it seemed nothing would work, whether it was the sanction from the West or the UN pressure. </div>
By Shan Human Rights Foundation |
<p>On December 12, 2014, Burma Army troops from LIB 573 shot and killed a 32-year-old mentally ill villager, Sai Sarm Tip, at his house in front of his parents, in the village of Wan Tinn, in Murng Yawng, eastern Shan State. The troops had surrounded the house, ordered Sai Sarm Tip to come out, then shot him as he stepped outside.&nbsp;</p>