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By Prachatai |
<p>Cofact, a local fact-checking organization, published its first annual report in an effort to promote awareness of how misinformation circulates in Thailand.&nbsp; Recent examples include claims that cancer and the Covid-19 virus can be cured by drinking lemonade and soda water.</p>
By Nattavud Pimpa |
<p>To mitigate the health and economic risks associated with unequal access to Covid-19 vaccines, the public and private sectors must coordinate their efforts and resources to address vaccine access as a fundamental human right for everyone.</p>
By Prachatai |
<p>On 11 May 2021, the National Office of Buddhism arranged a prayer ceremony to raise Thai people&rsquo;s morale and the fortunes of the country amidst new outbreaks of Covid-19.</p>
By Harrison George |
By Prachatai |
<p>An ex-detainee and socialist activist has addressed activists&#39; difficulties in getting bail. This, together with poor conditions within prisons, has forced many political prisoners to confess.</p>
By Prachatai |
<p>The Department of Corrections has admitted an infection toll in prisons nationwide of 11,670. The Courts have announced new procedures to reduce the prison population.</p>
By Human Rights Watch |
<p>Human Rights Watch calls on the Thai authorities to ensure access to adequate protective measures and healthcare in detention facilities, as detainees are now at grave risk from Covid-19 outbreaks.&nbsp;</p>
By Prachatai |
<p>On 12 May, the Corrections Department published a press release revealing that 2,835 people inside the prison complex at Klong Prem are infected with Covid-19 after testing inmates and wardens. This amounts to 36.5 percent of the entire population.</p>